Herts Mechanical | HMHS

Our Team is Growing

Promoting from within, we welcome three new Supervisors and two Chargehands. We understand the importance of rewarding hard work and will always encourage career progression in house. Join us in congratulating:

Roy Parkinson who has recently been promoted to Supervisor! Roy’s new role means he’s now responsible for overseeing multiple jobs and managing our team of engineers.

When asked what he enjoys most about working at hmhs, it was ‘collaborating with an incredibly talented crew’ that spoke volumes.

Dave Boggins who has secured his promotion to Chargehand! 

Dave has been an integral part of numerous projects over the past 7 years, that have taken him across the world and back again. His passion for exploration and the thrill of travelling is not just a perk but a reflection of his experience, work ethic and dedication to the job. 

Dave is our master fault finder, he dives into any challenge and ensures no fault remains undiscovered, setting a benchmark for excellence within our team.

Keith Simpson one of our newly appointed Supervisors.

Keith is committed to creating a positive work environment, ensuring that everyone on the team is content and equipped with everything they need to excel, driving us towards an exciting future of innovation and success.

Rob Boggins who has recently been promoted to Supervisor.

Rob has worked hmhs for 16 years and after running a multitude of successful jobs, he was the standout choice for a promotion to Supervisor.

Simon Broom on his promotion to Chargehand.

Over the past 2 years, Simon has proven his dedication, commitment, and exceptional talent. His contribution to hmhs has played a pivotal role in driving positive change, making him an invaluable part of our team's success story.

As we continue to grow, we're on the lookout for new engineers to join us in delivering exciting upcoming projects. 

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